Monday, March 2, 2015

No Excuse

There is no excuse and IN NO WORLD EVER is this okay!!!!

As a human being, I am mortified that there exist so many people who troll/bully online and not only do they troll but they believe that they are in the right. Rest assured, they are NOT.

We need to return to a place of personal accountability in our lives. The best advice I ever read was this:

"A wise man thinks twice and still says nothing".

Ask yourself: Do I want my parents, pastor, coach, teacher, friends, brother/sister, girlfriend/boyfriend to hear me say this? And then don't, just don't, say it. And if you do say it, take the knocks for it when you are taken to task for it. Take your knocks and say thank you, because you you were wrong. No excuses. You. Were. Wrong. It's not funny, it wasn't a joke, it wasn't to piss off the original or other poster for fun (and if it was, you have bigger problems). It was solely because of your poor judgement and poor treatment of a fellow human being.

Wake up world, it's beyond time that we turn this hateful ship around and head back to caring about everyone in our world.

We are only as smart, funny, capable, happy, honest, productive as the weakest in our world. And it is beyond time to show the trolls and bullies that their behavior is not acceptable.

Originally posted on 38 Pitches: