Sunday, March 31, 2013

Recovery Week

This weekend kicked off a Recovery Week for me. If you've never done a high-intensity workout program, you may be scratching your head and wondering "What the heck is a recovery week?" Well, let me tell you... :D You knew this was coming, huh (insert "eh" in place of "huh" if you are reading from Canada! Yeah, hard work to write for 2, or more, audiences. )?

Recovery Week: Usually taken after 8-12 weeks of intense exercise to allow your body to rest, renew, refresh, and recover, allowing you to continue progressing and improving after the recovery week is over.

During a recovery week you do not participate in high-intensity exercise but you don't become a couch potato (good thing I don't own a couch anyway!) or slug either. Exercise should be moderate (think a brisk walk with the dog) and nutrition should be similar to what you have been consuming during your exercise weeks - healthy fuel for your body. This is NOT a week to "let it all go". 

I'll be spending my recovery week walking the dog (lucky Ghiry!) and working on learning more about endurance nutrition, injury prevention, and so much more! I'll be taking a hike in Edmonton in the Whitemud Ravine with a Meetup group and dropping in on an Italian Speakers Meetup one evening. Should be interesting to see just how rusty my Italian is after all these years! :D

Oh! And of course I will be FUNDRAISING for my ride in June! 

Here are a couple of articles on Recovery Week:

Also from
From Get Fit NH Bootcamp - I used to attend these classes in NH. Great people and a great program.

Friday, March 29, 2013


On Friday, March 29th I loaded up the Durango with the dog, extra warm clothes, lunch, etc. and I took a drive west out of Spruce Grove, Alberta to Jasper, Alberta. What beautiful country!!! I hadn't been yet and figured it was a great way to kick off a 3-day weekend (Easter Weekend). It is not often that I have a full day to my self without training of some type. Friday also started my recovery week (more on that later). For now, check out the pictures from my trip!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Enbridge Ride to Conquor Cancer

For those of you who are wondering "hmmmm, now why did Tammie start a blog involving bikes?"...

I've signed up to ride in the Enbridge Ride to Conquor Cancer.

In doing so, I've committed to raising $2,500 before I ride 125 Miles (200KM) over 2 days in June and I'd like to raise at least $5,000 as a personal goal. This is where I need your help because I can't do this myself. Would you please consider making a donation in any amount towards my ride? All proceeds will go to the Alberta Cancer Foundation to support cancer research, treatment, and services. The Alberta Cancer Foundation is a leading comprehensive institution devoted to cancer research and care.

Why I'm riding: I've had many people in my life who have been touched by cancer and I'm participating in this for all of them as well as all of those who I don't know but who need my help.

Thank you. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

TRX Suspension Training

For those of you who have asked, I'm including this post on the TRX Suspension Training that I do on Tuesday & Thursday nights. This is a 60 minute, high intensity total body workout including some cardio. The picture at the bottom is of the TRX straps at The Boxing Club. Try explaining to someone that you use heavy duty straps with handles suspended from the ceiling, without a picture...

Similar to the Butt & Gutt class (go read the post), TRX uses various timing intervals. The focus is on core strengthening but works the whole body using your own body weight.  Our trainer is the Fabulous Miss Sheila! This girl is high-energy and keeps up hopping (sometimes literally)

Here is last night's class. I'm not sure if the timing was 30seconds work/10 second break or 45 seconds work/10 seconds break on this one but here goes...

Warmup is typically 10 minutes and last night consisted of Jogging the length of the room, 15 Jumping Jacks, jogging back the length of the room, 15 High Knees on each leg, and repeating decreasing 1 rep each time until we arrived at 1.

Exercises are broken up into groups typically of 4 different exercises, the 4th including some cardio to bring your heart rate up. Each exercise is repeated 3 times (45 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest between each set). The TRX Straps can be adjusted to Short, Mid, and Long depending on the exercise and the angle you need to have to complete it properly. The picture below shows the straps at Mid length.

Tuesday's Workout -
The first group of exercises included:
1. Squats - just like they sound, holding the TRX handles out in front of you, squat!
2. Chest Press - For this one, you hold the TRX handles out in front of you but you take a step back so that you are leaning at an angle looking towards the floor. Like doing a push-up in the air. The deeper the angle, the harder the workout.
3. Diagonal Reaches - Stand with the TRX handles outside your arms, elbows bent and hands at chest level. Stand on balls of your feet and reach out and up, keeping your TRX tight. You are actually reaching in an arc, up over your head towards the opposite side of the room from the hand moving. Return to start and reach with the other hand.
4. Sprinter starts - a HUGE favorite of the class, uh huh -  TRX straps are under your arms from behind, elbows bent and hands at chest level. You lunge back with one leg and then stand back up, bringing your knee up high in front of you. Repeat for entire time interval on one leg and then switch to the other leg for the next set. Repeat 3x on each leg. If you want a bigger challenge, add a hop at the top of bringing your knee to the front... and try to stay balanced! :D

Second group of exercises:
1. Split Squats - Lunge one leg behind you and then drop your knee (that is behind you) towards the floor. Stand up again (still in lunge position) and repeat. Switch legs and do it again!
2. Bicep Curls - for this one you face your TRX, hold the handles at your shoulders with your elbows sticking straight out in front of you. You use your body to curl down, keeping your wrists straight and elbows in, until you are leaning back (dangling from the TRX). Now curl yourself up, using your biceps (Keep those elbows in!).
3. Overhead Back Extensions - This one looks crazy and the first time I saw it done, I said.."HOLY COW! I don't know if I can do that!!! But I did! - Stand facing your TRX, hold the handles straight up over your head. Next, bend at the waist, dropping your bum towards the floor, leaning back. Arms stay straight up over your head, glued to your ears as you look at the floor. Now, use your core to pull you back to standing with your arms still over your head. Your TRX stays TIGHT the whole time.
4. Jump Squats! - Same as squats except that once you have stood up, HOP. So a squat with a hop. Good to bring up the heartrate - and burn the quads!

Third group of exercises:
1. Crossing Balance Lunge - okay, this one is hard to picture and takes a lot of balance... Stand straight, facing the TRX, hands in front of you. Stand on your right leg only, take your left leg and drop your left hip, pushing your left leg behind your right leg and towards the wall on your right. After the set, repeat standing on your left leg, bringing your right behind you towards the left wall. Very hard to balance on this one (at least for me).
2. Tricep Press - the compliment to Bicep Curls! - Stand with back to TRX, straps over shoulders and hands pushed out in front of you at shoulder level. Straps are tight. Palms are facing down. Stand on balls of feet, lean forward while keeping core tight so that your hips don't bend and touch your forehead to the back of your hands. Now press back up to standing (on the balls of your feet). Repeat and feel the burn!
3. Standing Hip Drop - This is one of my favorites but the hardest for me to remember to BREATHE on. Stand sideways to your TRX, both straps together, held on top of your head. Keep straps tight, take a slight step towards the TRX so that you are leaning out at and angle. Now, stay in a straight line and drop your hip outwards, away from the TRX and then use your obliques to pull you back up to standing. Both sides do 3 sets each. BREATHE!
4. High Knees - just like they sound, jog in place while bringing your knees up HIGH, HIGH, HIGH! Cardio folks! (Oh, and hold your pants up while you do this, for some reason or another, pants always tend to try to slide away on this one).

Forth group of exercises:
This next group is done while your feet are suspended in the TRX and you are laying on the floor, I can't do many of these yet due to a lower back injury in 2011 but I'm getting there.
1. Hip Press - heels in the TRX handles, laying on your back, bring your knees in towards your chest until your legs are at a 90 degree angle - now lift your butt up off the floor and press towards the ceiling. Drop your butt (not all the way to the floor) and repeat.
2. Pushups - toes in teh TRX handles, facing the floor in pushup position - you do this pushup while your feet are suspended. Keep your core TIGHT in order to get this one done.
3. Side Planks - yes, you can do a side plank in a TRX, who knew? I can't really yet, it pulls on my lower back but I get a couple seconds in. Feet in TRX like in push up position but then flip to one side and with feet suspended, plank! Hold for 45 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.

Last but not least - LONG STRETCH! :D

By the end of class we are sweaty, our muscle groups have each taken a turn burning, and we generally have "Rubber Chicken Legs" while walking up the stairs. It is a lot of fun and a lot of work. Never gets easier, just more interesting and keeps you working.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rehydration & Curling

Had my first Canadian beer, watched some curling, and enjoyed hanging out with some great people last night after dinner.

And this morning woke up to dueling muscle cramps! Gatorade and water, here I come!

Don't forget to keep an eye on my fundraising progress on the Enbridge Ride to Conquor Cancer site. Here you can view how much I have raised so far. I need to raise $2,500 just to ride. With 88 days left to raise funds I need to have pledges of $23 a day to make my minimum. Will you be my $23 today?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Zombie Fog

I'm not sure who named it or why but apparently when the scenery looks like this in the morning, it is called: Zombie Fog.

I haven't actually seen any zombies come out of it but I am going to be keeping my eyes peeled. I'm not partial to zombies and I have the distinct feeling that zombies don't ride bikes very well so if I were to become a zombie, I hope it isn't until after The Ride in June.

Sponsor me now before I become a zombie!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Why I Ride...

I've been asked a couple of times why I'm riding in the Enbridge Ride to Conquor Cancer. Who do I ride for? I ride for several reasons and many people...

I ride because I am healthy.
I ride for Stacy who survived and joined the fight against cancer.
I ride because it is a great cause.
I ride for Rhea - who I love like a second mother - who battles still.
I ride because I love the sun on my shoulders and the wind at my back.
I ride for Kimberly who is still smiling.
I ride because I enjoy it and I've always wanted to put my pastime to good use.
I ride for an Uncle & a Father who didn't make it.
I ride because I love to know what is on the road ahead.
I ride for Family, Friends, and Clients who have had to face cancer.
I ride because I can.

I need to have my fundraising of $2,500 completed by June 1 to complete my Ride registration.
Will you sponsor me?

Blogging From the Bike

Movie: The Hunt for Red October
New Gear: Padded Bike Short, New Bike Saddle, Camelbak
Goal: 1.5 - 2 hours ride.

See you at the other end!

1 hour in and I think my legs are going to fall off, Barbie Doll style. Yeah, you all know what I am talking about! :D Red October is a great flick to peddle to.

Hour an a half in and my bum has gone numb... Time for a break, some nutrition, a good stretch, and a recovery before this afternoon's strength training session at The Boxing Club with Sheila (aka: awesome trainer!).

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Butt & Gutt!

Welcome to Saturday! Had an excellent night's sleep last night for the first time in a long time! :D Now awake, fed, and dressed for 10am Butt & Gutt at The Boxing Club. I'll see if I can remember the workout well enough to post it when it is done. Until then, have an amazing weekend!

Alrighty then! Let's have a rundown of this morning's class with Miss Ashley "Crunchy Frogs"! This is a 60 minute class concentrating on core, upper legs, and (you guessed it) butt.  We warmed up with 10 minutes on the new spin bikes (they ride like a dream....) and then hopped right into our stations. There were 8 gals in attendance this AM so 8 stations. My workout ran like this:

1. With heels in the TRX Suspension trainer, laying on your back, you lift your hips off the ground and bring your feet in towards your butt, keeping your knees/lower legs bent at 90 degrees. Extend your legs out and repeat for 45 seconds. We got 15 seconds between sets. Second set is lift your butt, bring your knees in to 90 degrees, lift your butt higher and hold for 45 seconds. 3rd and 4th sets repeat 1st and 2nd.

2. Spin bike cardio - 4 - 45 second sets.

3. Ball passes - lay flat on back, lift large balance ball between your lower legs, at the same time crunch up with your upper body, grab the ball with your hands, lower arms and legs until they are parallel with but not touching the floor, repeat and pass ball back to your legs, lower arms and legs, repeat. 4 sets of 45 seconds.

4. With feet in the TRX, facing down like in a pushup position, proceed to do hip adduction move - basically open both legs out to the side, bring them back in, yes, while suspended. 45 seconds, 15 seconds rest. 2nd set is pikes, in same push up position (yes, feel suspended), pike your butt to the ceiling and back to pushup position. Sets 3 and 4 repeat sets 1 and 2.

5. Fire hydrants or donkey kicks - Get on hands and knees. 1st set is bringing your right knee in to your right elbow and kicking straight back. Repeat for 45 seconds. 2nd set is doing the same with your left leg. 3rd set is bringing your right knee to your right elbow and they kicking straight out to the side, repeat by keeping knee at elbow and moving just knee and lower leg with your kicks. 4th set is the left side. (If you don't feel it in the butt, you aren't doing it right!)

6. Back extensions & Cross-wise crunches on the balance ball. Back extensions are done by placing feet against wall, ball under your pelvis (facing down), and leaning down over the ball, pulling yourself back up to start and repeating. Cross-wise crunches are done by placing your feet against the wall, ball under your hips (facing ceiling) and crunching up while bringing left elbow to right knee and then right elbow to left knee on the next crunch. Sets 3 and 4 repeat sets 1 and 2.

7. 1st set is Russian Twists (holding a weight or not) - Sit on the floor, bend your knees in front of you, lean back slightly (if you can hold your feet of the ground, do. I can't without strain on my lower back) now twist to the left with your upper body, then to the right. 2nd set is CRUNCHY FROGS (again hard for my lower back so I keep my feet on the ground). Sit in the same position as Russian Twists, extend feet out in front of you as you lean back. Bring feet in towards you as you lean in and pull your arms around your knees. Repeat move (basically a crunch in the V position but very hard).
Sets 3 and 4 repeat 1 and 2.

8. Weighted squats - holding ball, squat low - 45 seconds. 2nd set is side lunges with weight. Sets 3 and 4 repeat sets 1 and 2.

It is a very killer workout, I can honestly say that I cannot complete every single set for the full 45 seconds but I'm getting closer which means I'm getting stronger. Right now I HURT but in a good way. :D Ashley is a super terrific trainer who knows how to keep the class energy up, keep you working, and gives great encouragement to everyone. LOVE HER!

Tomorrow the story of my new bike saddle and RoadID! Bike training will be an easy ride today as I am tentatively signed up for a (up to) 4 hour endurance spin class tomorrow at 6am. Can I get out of bed that early? We will see...
And of course, don't forget to sponsor me on my ride! 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Trying New Things

Attended an Enbridge Ride to Conquor Cancer event at United Cycle in Edmonton last night. In it I learned:

1. How to change a flat tire! Thank you to the very helpful repairman at United Cycle for taking the time to show this to us (yes, I know it is your job but you did it in great humor!).

 I've changed a flat in the past, the FAR DISTANT past (think 30 years) so the refresher was very helpful! I'll need to pick up a couple of tire tubes after I settle on the new tires. The current bike is a 22 year old Specialized hybrid with nubby (not as nubby as mountain) hybrid tires. I'm thinking something a bit more road worthy for the 200KM (125 Mile) ride in June.

2. A bit more about nutrition for endurance athletes. Thank you STEVE, you were very helpful and patient with this Gurl who knows so little yet.

Having never been, or even thought of myself as, an endurance athlete, I'm a bit new to the "How do you keep your body running for 6 hour straight?" scene. So how exactly do you do it? Science, a lot of brain picking, & a lot of Google time. *gets her "mad scientist" grin on* More on this as I learn more. Though I will leave you with, I am trying a new supplement by Hammer and I'll let you know how I do with it.

3. Shannon at United Cycle is a WONDERFUL resource when it comes to all things biking as a GURL! She has actually ridden in several (many, many) rides and is uber willing to impart her knowledge to others. I come away from my time with her having gained a pair of womens' bike shorts, some very snazzy socks (for use now - at the gym, not for the ride), a new bike saddle (for women - I am a woman after all!), and a head full of info and I'm sure more questions to come!

Next stop? Sunday 6am endurance spin class at The Boxing Club. Rumor has it that this is a 3-4 hour class. Do I think I'll last the 3 hours on Sunday? Not yet but I'm going to try my new shorts, my new supplements, and my hardest to stick it out as long as I can!

Encourage me to stay the whole 3 hours by donating to my ride!

Oh, and as promised, the list of those who have promised to donate to the ride:



I've only got 92 days left to go, let's get this done! :D

Thursday, March 21, 2013

What Causes Muscle Cramps?

Yup, yours truly had some wonderful (and by "wonderful" I mean OMG I THINK I AM GOING TO DIE!!!) muscle cramps in the inner thighs this morning. So, what causes muscle cramps and how do we get rid of them?


How can you prevent muscle cramps?
These tips may help prevent muscle cramps:

1, Drink plenty of water and other fluids, enough so that your urine is light yellow or clear like water.

2. Limit or avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine. These can make you dehydrated, which means your body has lost too much fluid.

3. Make sure you are eating healthy foods (especially if you are pregnant) that are rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

4. Ride a bike or stationary bike to condition and stretch your muscles.

5. Stretch your muscles every day, especially before and after exercise and at bedtime.

6. Don't suddenly increase the amount of exercise you get. Increase your exercise a little each week.

7. Take a daily multivitamin supplement.

So, let's see here...

1. Got that fairly well covered but can do better. Note to self, DRINK MORE WATER! 

2. Not really a problem, I don't drink much of either but can cut out both completely except for the lovely Guinness in the chili I made last week. That gets to stay. :D

3. Healthy foods, CHECK! Oh, not sure on the magnesium. I think I have Calcium covered in Yogurt, Milk, Kale, and cheese, potassium covered in Bananas (every day!) but where does one get Magnesium in food? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Hmmmm, more research needed.

4. I think that is what brought this on in the first place! 1 hour of biking on the stationary trainer last night... however, will be keeping up with and increasing #4 so stay tuned for results.

5. Stretch, CHECK! Happens several times a day already.

6. Hmmm, possibly have increased suddenly with the addition of the stationary bike but now that I am here.... will keep #6 in mind.

7. Haven't been doing this... yet but certainly will consider.

So.... any suggestions, ideas, home remedies (or just wacky things you want me to try) are welcome! you can get in touch with me on my facebook page. For now, this Gurl is headed off to do some more research on the topic.

Oh, and tonight is an Enbridge Ride to Conquor Cancer Ride Kickoff Party where I plan to learn all sorts of interesting things such as Mechanics 101 & Nutrition 101 (seems like that might be helpful!). Stay tuned for what I learned at United Cycle in Edmonton tonight!

And last but not least, commitment from 2 more friends. SL & MP, you know who you are! :D Thank you both for being willing to help. :D

Update: And how could I forget the commitment from T&SB. Thank you both as well! :) 

Full listing of promised sponsors tomorrow!

Off to Edmonton for the Kickoff Party - see you all tomorrow! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


primaveral \prahy-muh-VEER-uhl\, adjective:
of, in, or pertaining to the early springtime

I suppose this is far better than Prima Donna!  :D

Stay tuned for details of tonight's ride... it will be a loooooong one!

Update: 2 more donations promised by 2 wonderful ladies who I used to work with. THANK YOU BOTH!

Dinner and a ride coming up!

And... cue "Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels"!

One hour later, I almost hate to quit riding... almost. :D See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!

Monday's ride was just a small "keep the legs warm" ride. Tonight is 60 minutes of TRX Suspension Training and another ride afterwards.

By now many of you have been invited to sponsor me in my ride or soon will be receiving "the email". Head off the inevitable and sponsor me now! Link to my personal fundraising page. For those of you who have already sponsored me, THANK YOU! My personal goal is $5,000 by June 21st (I need at least $2,500 just to participate in the ride).   I have currently raised $350 so you see I have a long way to go and only 95 days to do it in!

One of my favorite words: 



a whim or caprice.
When a megrim gets a hold of me, I do crazy things like register for a 200KM (125 mile) bike ride fund raiser!  :D

Update: Getting closer to my goal! Currently my sponsors have donated $400.00 towards my ride. I'm 16% of the way there! THANK YOU ALL!  

Update Update: I now have commitment for an additional $200.00 towards my ride as well as assurance from 3 very nice women at the gym that they will donate too! I'm on my way!  

TRX class tonight was intense. Nothing like many hundreds of jump squats, jumping jacks, single leg balance lunges, and hamstring curls to strengthen the legs for biking! See you all in the A.M.!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dedication & Inspiration



2.  the state of being dedicated:


[v. ded-i-keyt; adj. ded-i-kit]  verb, ded·i·cat·ed, ded·i·cat·ing, adjective
verb (used with object)

2.  to devote wholly and earnestly, as to some person or purpose:



4.  a thing or person that inspires.

This post is dedicated to person who inspires me to do better, be better, try harder: +Scott Lawrie 
Scott was and is a big influence in my commitment to The Ride in June. You can follow the story of his amazing winter hikes on his blog: Two Brother's Hikes. Scott has accomplished in this winter, through hard work, determination, & dedication the ascent of all 48 of New Hampshire's 4000+ footer mountains. No small feat, there are only ~70 hikers who have obtained this goal in a single winter season (Dec 21 - Mar 20). A HUGE Congratulations out to Scott for his accomplishment!

Welcome to Monday, Where's the Coffee?

Hello! Here we are so quickly at Monday!

I'm feeling the aches of yesterday's marathon of riding, house cleaning, and snow shoveling this morning and I think I even have the "old lady walk" going on... hmmmmm. As there are no training sessions at the gym for me today, the "ride" will take place this evening, after dinner. Stay tuned for more...

Yup, squats are great for strengthening those little inner thigh muscles that you didn't even know you had. I know I have them now! In fact, I think they are screaming at me. No, wait, those are outright threats! They say that if I don't knock it off, they are going to make me walk crooked... oh, too late...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Food & Nutrition

Hello there from SNOWY Alberta!

I'm still learning about sports nutrition. I think that most of us know the basics, plenty of lean protein, plenty of good (non sugar related) carbs, a low amount of fats, etc. Here is the tip from my Ride Guide... "...make sure your regular diet is well-balanced. The Ride is not the time to diet. The average person will burn 400+ calories per hour while cycling. Complex Carbs are the best source of fuel for your muscles - pasta, beans, rice, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables."

That being said, here is this weeks dinners (yes, cooking for 1 is difficult so I cook every weekend for the week): Chili, loaded with: Beans, Ground Turkey, Cilantro, Garlic, Onion, Mushrooms, Red & Green Peppers, Tomatoes (fresh, not canned), Kale, Sweet Potato, Jalapeno, & spices (I hope I didn't forget anything... OH! The Guinness! Well, most of it got into the chili anyway, thanks for the idea nhithiker!). I call it Kitchen Sink Chili and I hope it fits the bill for the week! More on diet later for those curious about what I eat while I train (you know you are curious!). For now, I leave you with this picture and I'm off to hop on the bike. According to the DVD player on the laptop, I've got 33 more minutes of Forbidden Kingdom to ride through and then I'll need to pop in another DVD. I'm open to riding movie suggestions. You can facebook message me suggestions anytime!

Here we go... 60 minutes later (10:40am MST - 11:40am)...

First 1 hour ride on the bike. To say my legs felt it is an understatement after the Butt & Gutt workout yesterday morning. 60 minutes of Squats, Crazy Frog Squats (you've got to see them to believe them), Leg Lift Squats, Donkey Kicks (Fire Hydrants in several forms), Crunches, Legs up Crunches, Frog Leg Crunches (Do you sense a Frog theme here, guess they are in good health and muscle tone..), Crunchy Frogs, Leg Drops, and so much more...

Next up? 1 Hour of personal training at 3pm with Sheila at The Boxing Club! Oh, but first lunch: Cilantro, Lime, Garlic Chicken salad - new dish I am experimenting with, I'll let you know how it tastes.. :D

And the hour at the gym was just postponed until next weekend. Hmmmm, housework here I come!

Last but not least, lets not forget the reason I am doing all of this... (besides your amusement) to prepare for the Endbridge Ride to Conquor Cancer in June. So while you are enjoying my blog, take a minute to donate to my fundraising efforts!

P.S. What better way to finish up the day here in Canada than with snow shoveling! The sun is out, the snow has stopped, and so out I go! See you all tomorrow (unless I end up buried in a snow bank, in which case, come dig me out!). :D

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Welcome to the Weekend!

Welcome to the weekend (and more snow)! After shoveling for another half hour or more last night, moving a foot of snow off the back patio, back walkways, driveway, and touching up the front walkways... I hear there is to be snow all week here in Alberta - another FOOT!

Today's workout so far (as of 1:30pm MST) 60 minutes of Butt & Gutt with emphasis on Quads & Hamstrings - Thank you Ashley - my bum is on fire! Someone hand me the fire extinguisher... please. I'm planning another 35+ minute bike ride for this afternoon after I've gotten some "fuel" back into the muscles and accomplished a little housework. Yes, even dedicated peddlers must clean their own houses. :D Go figure!

Stay tuned...

Friday, March 15, 2013


Today's workout consists of 1/2 hour of snow shoveling this morning and at least an hour when I get home tonight...

On a brighter note, TRX was great last night and I believe I have eliminated "bowl of Jell-O" leg syndrome! How you ask? Peddle more!

Here's some snow to keep you company today...

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Good Morning, Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada (and all of the other places I'm being read by!)!

It's a balmy 2F or -17C with a light snowfall (3+ inches on the ground already - sorry, haven't figured out calculating to CM yet but I hear we are getting 20+ CM between today and tomorrow). Thank goodness for indoor stationary trainers! :D

The alarm rudely interrupted my slumbers at 5:30am and a quick hit of the snooze button (Is it considered a "button" on the cell phone?) had me back to dreamland until 5:39. Rolling out of bed, I was dressed and ready to peddle by 6:07 - I know what you are thinking... "This girl is slow in the morning!". I think so too. Cue the Jackie Chan flick - Forbidden Kingdom - and I'm off and riding. At this rate, I'll be pedaling to a single movie for 4 days! Hmmmm, maybe time for that investment in Netflix for some 30-45 minute shows.

It was a pretty good ride this morning, not feeling too tired/sore in the quads yet but tonight's TRX training will let me know how I really did. :D I have to say a BIG "THANK YOU" to Sheila & Ashley who have kicked my butt thus far so that I can actually get on the bike and peddle for any extended time. :D THANKS GIRLS, and keep up the great work!

An added bonus this morning was arriving early at the shop and shoveling out the drive in front of our bay. 3+ inches of snow in -17C weather makes for great core work!

And all the while, the dog slept on...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Welcome to Wednesday! For those who don't know, Wednesday is a rest day from training (we've all got to have one!) and usually reserved for a late evening walk with The Dog (you'll meet him shortly). 

Tuesday's training consisted of a 20 minute morning ride on the stationary trainer (pictured).

A big Thank You! out to Fleming Reid Petroleum Equipment for the trainer as part of their sponsorship of my ride!

Additional training included a 60 minute TRX Suspension training class at The Boxing Club in Spruce Grove. Don't know what TRX is? Simply put, it is a kick-butt fitness class concentrating on core strength using your own body weight. I highly recommend it for anyone, beginner to advanced. Google it. Oh, and when you start riding your bike in the morning (added to your regular workouts), you end up with "Bowl of Jell-O" legs in the afternoon. An interesting feeling to say the least...

That brings me to: Why am I riding? - Simple really, the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer is a great cause and I love to ride! Why not combine the two? I've had family and friends who have been touched by cancer and figure that since I am healthy and fit, why not donate myself to helping raise funds for cancer research. Speaking of raising funds... You can visit my personal fundraising page here and make a donation towards my ride. I need to raise at least $2,500 just to participate, though I've set my personal goal at $5,000. Any donation, large or small, is greatly appreciated!

Stay tuned for more to come and thank you for joining me on this journey! :D

The Gurl


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

First Post

This is a recap of the "blog" I started on my personal page of the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer. while I'll keep up the blog there, this one should be more detailed and perchance more interesting so stay tuned! 

Monday, March 4, 2013  - I finally did it! I registered for the ride (not without a bit of encouragement from someone else as crazy as me)! :D 200KM of Canadian Rocky Mountain riding, here I come! Stay tuned for updates along the way as I prepare for the ride and work on my fundraising goal.

Friday, Mar 08, 2013 - Thanks to Fleming Reid Petroleum Equipment Ltd. for the donation of a stationary bike trainer! The bike is now set up inside and ready to begin being ridden! You can see it on Facebook here:

See you on the trainer!

Monday March 11, 2013 - I figured that I would ride this AM, just didn't count on the time change doing a number on my sleep patterns.
Dragged myself out of bed at 6am, on the bike (inside trainer) at 6:15, set up with a movie to keep me company. Well, the trainer is a bit loud so headphones are going to be required. Fortunately I'm watching an action-packed kung-fu movie! Forbidden Kingdom! At least I could enjoy the fight scenes. :D
15 minutes of riding this AM before work, let's see what we can do after work tonight. This may call for an odometer to track mileage since we aren't actually going anywhere in the wee little 8'x8' room... :D
Stay tuned for the next ride!

Tuesday, March 12 - Alarm rang at 5:30am, finally managed to be up by 5:45. What is it about alarms that just get under your skin? Perhaps the deep sleep that they drag you out of. :) On the bike by 5:50 and rode for 20 minutes. The plan is to add 5 minutes per day (1 hour every 12 days until I am up to 6 hours every weekend day - by then outside).
Earbuds in place this morning to combat the noise of the stationary trainer did the trick. Jackie Chan in Forbidden Kingdom is good company for an indoor ride.
See you tomorrow!