Thursday, January 30, 2014

Coffee, Duck Face, & Horses

What happens after traveling all day, arriving at your destination after 10pm, getting limited sleep, and missing your morning cup of coffee the next day?

Adventures & silliness ensue!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 - Goal #2

Pay Attention!

No, not you, me. :D I've gotten away from paying attention to what I am eating. This goal fits with resolution #3 - Nutrition. For me, certain foods make me feel gross. But they are quick & easy so I eat them anyway. And then I feel... gross!

How can I pay better attention to what I am eating? is one solution. I find that when I am tracking what I am eating, I am paying attention to what I am actually consuming. Not only how much but what the actual food is. This network of people who are all working towards similar goals is a great way to stay on track. I mean, who wants to admit they ate a box of crackers for dinner?

More tasty recipes coming very soon - anyone up for a delicious veggie lasagna, gluten free?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 - Goal #1

Park and walk.

This is a reinstituted goal. It's an easy one, actually, as long as I remember to do it. Whenever I go to a store, bank, etc., I park as far from the door as possible (still in the parking lot) and walk.

Throughout 2013, I made a point of this - even going as far as parking in the "second" lot at Superstore and walking down to the store. However, as the cold weather came back around, I let myself get lazy about this one and I've been parking in whatever spot I can find. Not anymore. Time to park & walk again.

See you all at the far end of the lot!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Ghiry is The Dog. He's been The Dog since May 12, 2005 when I first held his tiny little self, 6 hours after he was born.

 "Who me? Are you talking about me?" Ghiry would ask. He's a rather curious dog with a wonderful personality. So who is Ghiry?

Ghiry is a big, floppy, goofy, Great Dane with a quick wit and fantastic sense of humor though he can be a bit of a curmudgeon at times. Ghiry loves going for car rides (Unless it is a multi-day trip, he informs me), playing with his stuffed toys, napping in the sun, bounding around the yard, hiking at Chickakoo, getting pats & scratches, and being a dog in general. 

Ghiry's long name is Ghirlandaio Gabriel Garcia - "Triple G"is what his cousins; Ashly, Hope, and Rebekah call him. He also goes by The Hund, The Dog, & Ghirdog. As long as you say it nice, he'll answer to anything, really.

When Ghiry was born in 2005, he was a mere 1 pound 13 oz. Such a tiny little speck of puppy that fit in the palm of my hand. How he has grown! He now weighs in at 120 pounds and, standing on his hind feet, is taller than me. In fact, he fits several of my sweatshirts and has been known to borrow them from time to time when the weather turns chilly.

So why am I introducing you to Ghiry? Because Ghiry has some stories to tell and he would prefer that you know who he is when you settle in to listen to his tales.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Books & Their Covers

Don't judge a book by its cover.


You can't judge a book by its cover.


You shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

What is all this about books and covers, you ask? It's something to think about. Something I've been thinking a lot about for the past several months (maybe even for the past couple of years).

Let me ask - would you walk into a book store, pick up a book, look at the cover (not read the synopsis, just look at the cover), guess how much the book weighs, note the color(s) on the cover and of the pages and then make a decision on whether to read the book based solely on the physical attributes of the book? How can you when you don't know what the book is about? Or what the book is capable of teaching you? Or where the book will lead you?

You can't.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 - Resolution #5

Slow down.

How many times have you said "I don't have time to..."?

But when we take the time to slow down (and sometimes stop) we find that we actually do have the time. In the past couple of months I've found myself rushing downhill, out of control, while I've missed out on some of the things that I really enjoy - cooking, hiking, writing, exploring, reading, painting... The list goes on. 

In 2014 I resolve to slow down. To take the time to dream, to plan, to scheme, to adventure.