Saturday, April 12, 2014



noun, plural pos·i·tiv·i·ties.
1. the state or character of being positive.
2. something positive
When I look at the world around me, the news, the trends on social media, the treatment of humanity, by humanity, I am saddened by the lack of positivity in the world. Why must humans put not only each other down but themselves? Is there something inherent in being human that dictates that we must also be self loathing?

Some samples from a community forum: 

"Losing weight is hard. All the cool kids are doing it. I want to be a cool kid some day."
"Bad bad bad. So i was clean eating for 11 days . Good i guess. Today i was stressed over exams so i order Japanese food. Tofu terayaki don , salmon terayaki n vege gyzo ( dumpling) . I ate n now i feel really sick, literally. Arghhh hate my self."
"What I make mistakes for in food must be made up in exercise and I shall tomorrow morning. Self promise."
"Treated myself to some skittles today. I felt so guilty afterwards so I took myself on a walk/jog. I gotta keep telling myself it's ok to treat yourself every now and then."
"It's strange how my mom thinks I'm so pretty, when I'm such a wreck. I don't look like a monster anymore. But I look a wreck. I want to change that. I want to be a pretty woman again."
Why can't we look to the positive, instead of the negative, every day?  

You are strong. You are beautiful. You are human. You are wonderful. 

I love You.

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