Monday, May 12, 2014

Mothers' Day Ride - Take 2!

It all began on Twitter. Quite a bit seems to be beginning on Twitter these days. Perhaps it is the new Facebook? Anywho...

I managed to follow several new cycling related people and groups on Twitter, including Deb who organizes the Critical Lass - Cyclofemme rides in Edmonton, Alberta. Seeing an older tweet about the ride, I sent of a query about upcoming rides and was happily, a ride was coming up! This is that ride...
We met  at 3pm at The Garneau Lamppost. Keeping in mind that I know very little about Edmonton, The Garneau Lamppost sounded very exotic. I had to use my map program to figure out where the intersection was and still didn't recognize it. If you know Edmonton at all, it's on the corner of 109th St. & 88th Ave - still Greek to me! However, if someone had said, "at the end of the high-level bridge on the corner where Red Bike is", I would have known EXACTLY where that is and I'm proud to say, I can even get there without a GPS! :) And now back to the ride...

It was still a beautiful day, the temps hovering above 55 F (15 C ish) and barely a cloud in the sky. There were 9 of us, counting Robert who is 4 and had the best seat of the ride.

The route was discussed and it was decided we would ride west on 88th ave, out to Saskatchewan Drive to Groat Road to 76th Ave where we would stop in at Gracious Goods Cafe on the corner of 115th st. before heading on to Bikeworks South's new shop over on 102nd street & then back to start. Not knowing the area, I was game for following wherever we might end up as long as we got back to start!

We headed out with Karen leading the way as it helps to maintain a minimum speed with her Madsen bike & trailer to prevent her tipping over and spilling her wonderful cargo, Robert. :D

I'll admit to being a bit nervous about riding in Edmonton. I've never ridden in a big city (with nearly 1 Millon people, Edmonton is HUGE to me), my only though being, I hope I don't get run over! Rest assured (spoiler alert) I did not get run over at any point during the ride. Lucky for you as my getting run over would most likely be very detrimental to future blog posts. I'm just saying.

Riding around the outside of the University of Alberta, you are at the top edge of the "cliff" overlooking the North Saskatchewan River. It is a beautiful view down into the river valley and across the river. There are actually walking/hiking trails in this area too that I would recommend checking out.

I would also recommend that you drive south on Saskatchewan Dr. and check out the many big and interesting houses on your left - That is if you can drive south, if not, drive north and the houses will be on your right. Funny how that works, isn't it?

It was a leisurely half hour (or so) ride around to Gracious Goods and I enjoyed chatting with Hannah and Selene along the way. Once we arrived, Shamin was kind enough to lock my bike up with hers while we were inside the cafe. Note to self: Buy a bike lock if you are going to visit the big city and ride your bike about, stopping in cute little cafes and the like. Otherwise, your bike may be stolen. Ah, duly noted, thank you self!

The food (I had a yogurt parfait - everybody loves parfait) & drink at Gracious Goods Cafe was enjoyed by all (the atmosphere is relaxed and inviting and I'll need to visit again soon) and a half hour or so later, we headed on our way, continuing down 76th Ave to Gateway Blvd north, down 1 block or 2 of Whyte Ave, and onto 102 St. Tucked away on the back corner of 102 st & 80th ave is Bikeworks South!

Think bicycle factory a la Willy Wonka's factory. Bright colors, racks of vintage bikes, for sale or rent, in a rainbow of colors, and parts galore, lining the walls.

Bikeworks is operated by Edmonton Bicycle Commuters Society and is where you can not only purchase a vintage beauty, they will also teach you how to repair and maintain said treasure (newer bikes available as well)!! The shop is not quite open yet but the super friendly staff (I believe they are all volunteers) welcomed us in to tell us a bit about Bikeworks and their offerings. Needless to say, the photographer in me was giddy about the wall of parts and will probably head back there just to take some more photos. Here is a favorite from the day.  ------>

Our visit over, we soon parted ways. Hanna having left us before we arrived at Bikeworks, Selene, Adele, & I didn't catch her name (eek!) staying on at Bikeworks for a bit, Karen, Robert, Shamin, and I headed around the block to 101 street, across 82nd Ave (Whyte ave - an ave well worth checking out when you have time), west on 83rd Ave, then 84th Ave until we zipped up 110th street to drop me at 87th Ave, where I was parked.

We said our goodbyes and each headed our own way, promising to do this again soon. Looking forward to the next sunny Sunday ride around Edmonton & thank you for getting me safely back to start. ;)

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