Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Self Honesty

This falls into the category that "your mind is your own worst enemy". Your mind can come up with any rationale to support any scenario. And that is not always a good thing.

Take self improvement, for example. In my case, my desired self improvement includes mainly physical changes: increasing strength & flexibility, increasing endurance, decreasing body mass, along with avoiding processed foods, eliminating sugars, planning ahead and preparing the majority of my meals.

Getting started on my self improvement path was fairly easy. In fact, for 9 months I barely thought about it. I increased my activity level, I decreased my portion sizes, I eliminated processed sugars and foods, and I lost weight while building muscle.I was losing 2+ lb per week, every week. It was simply melting off.

And then what? My mind started creeping into the equation: "You can have this one soda. It won't undo everything you've accomplished. It's just one.", "Why don't you take the weekend off, you worked out most of the week. It won't hurt anything.", "You are still losing weight, don't worry about how little it is, the point is you are still losing. Your clothing is getting looser.", "You can stay up and watch this movie, it's okay if you don't get a full 8 hours of sleep tonight. Just go to bed early tomorrow.", "Just pick something up for dinner, it's easier and it's only once in a while.". BUT, it all adds up to "hurt" the overall program and lifestyle. How did it hurt? Yes, my clothing is looser but not THAT much looser. Yes, I am losing weight but not THAT much weight. Some weeks I'm outright stalled. I'm tired. I caught a cold.

The problem is that I know the formula that works and I've allowed my mind to talk me into ignoring it. I'd like to say that I came to this realization on my own but it was through a rather "rude awakening" that I saw what had been happening. I wasn't being honest with myself. I wasn't being true to what I want in life. I was making excuses, and have been for the past 2 months.

No more. And with that an apology to my "Online Dating" fans. I've left the online dating sites until I have what JR calls: "time to take care of a man". First, I need to take care of me. Thank you Jason for pointing that out even if that wasn't your point when you were telling me how I am not a fit for you.

Stay tuned, I'm back!

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