Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Work Out!

Last night was TRX class.  A very, very, very, very, very, VERY hard TRX class. Every TRX class is different and it never gets any easier as you use your own body as your weights and you set your level of challenge. Here's one class for reference and here is last night's class:

Oh, and while we are on the topic, I can't get this video/song out of my mind every time I work out (thanks, Scott - though I would LOVE to be able to do what this guy can do. Um, maybe minus the speedo. Unless the speedo was on Gumby Hiker on top of a mountain... ).  :D

Tuesday night TRX: While we usually complete timed sets (20 seconds work/10 seconds break, 30 seconds work/15 seconds break, etc), last night was different as we completed counted reps. We started with a warmup of 30 Jacks, 10 Squat Jacks (don't ask, they hurt), 10 Burpies, 30 Mountain Climbers, 30 High Knees, repeat.

The first set of exercises included squats, squats, and so many more squats:
20 Jump Squats
16 Balance Squats on each leg
20 Sumo Squats
16 Sumo Jump Squats
I'm thinking there was another exercise in here but darned if I can remember it, the class was a blur!

The second set of exercises included:
20 Single Leg Lunges
20 Second Single Leg Lunge Hold
16 Single Leg Lunges followed by Leg Lift - keep in mind you are lunging your leg backwards and then standing and lifting your leg behind you...
Repeat on the other leg
20 Single Leg Hip Hinges (stand on one leg, reach/bend forward and lift one leg straight out behind you until you are in the shape of a T)
16 Single Leg Standing Donkey Kicks (get in Single Leg Hip Hinge position and then bend leg at 90 degrees and pulse heel towards ceiling). Yeah, OUCH!

The third set of exercises included:
20 Single leg lunges with 1 leg suspended behind you
16 Pushups
Repeat on second leg followed by second set of pushups.
20 Hamstring Curls 
30 Mountain Climbers - suspended in TRX
30 High Knees (on each leg)
10 Burpies

Repeat the entire workout and try not to throw up... :D

Often when I leave the gym at the end of class I wonder who thinks these things up. And then I wonder how many people are crazy enough to actually do these things. And then I am usually very, VERY thankful that I can do these things. By this time I have usually made my way to The Dingo on my quivering legs of Jell-O, fished my keys out of my pocket, and somehow managed to get my rubber chicken arms to start the truck so I can head home and die. Don't get me wrong, I love these workouts but am always in awe that I can do them. Plenty of water, protein, stretching, and sleep later, I still hurt today.

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