Thursday, June 20, 2013


Here I am, 2 days away from The Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer.

I spent a good amount of time last night going through "the list" and preparing my clothes, nutrients, and gear for packing. Thankfully the list is thinking as it recommends I have plastic bags for my clothing, etc. to keep it dry in case of rain. Large zipper bags are now on my list of items to pick up.

Funny how the batteries in all of my flashlights are D-E-A-D when I finally need to use a flashlight... Batteries are now on my list along with a battery operated alarm clock. Wouldn't it just be so like me to be fast asleep on Sunday morning when it was time to go? Especially after riding 100 km (65 miles) on Saturday. I figure it will take me between 6-7 hours each day to cover the distance. I think I am going to be one tired girl! Of course, you know I'll let you know all about it. :)

Oh! Sunblock. According to the weather report today, Saturday in Calgary is going to be partly cloudy which means... yup! partly sunny as well. Sunday is a 20% chance of rain. Now, Saturday's chance of rain is going to depend on what happens Friday which has a 90% chance of rain and as long as that storm moves OUT before Saturday morning, I think we'll be okay! 

Today's plan is to pick up the remaining things on my list tonight after TRX class and then head home to pack them all up into a duffel. I've gone back and forth on buying glasses for the trip. I'm not a big fan of tinted sunglasses as they usually make me feel dizzy (must be the polarized ones) and so I don't usually wear glasses on the bike. However, weighing that against "bug in the eye", hmmmm, something to think about. Perhaps a cheap pair of drug store shades are in order.

Now, to bring the camera or to not bring the camera... I have a camera in the iPhone which does a decent job of pictures but do I want to tote around a small point and shoot as well? Maybe. After all, I don't think I'll be doing this ride again next year. Of course, who knows, I might. :D Decisive, aren't I?

Oh! And it isn't too late to upload a video for me to see after the ride. You do that here. Make it fun, I'm going to need a laugh after 200 km (125 miles) and 2 days of riding! :)

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