Saturday, April 13, 2013

Session 2 - Week 1

Saturday completes Week 1 of Session 2 training at The Boxing Club in Spruce Grove. My schedule was as follows:

Sunday April 7th - Dropped in to spin with the Bulls-eye Bike Club at 8:30am. This is an open spin from 6am - 9:30am until the weather gets warm enough to move outdoors. As I had not ridden longer than 1.5 hours in any of my previous sessions, I decided to ride 1 hour with the club from 8:30 - 9:30 and then a second hour with The Boxing Club spin class from 10 - 11. I managed to ride 25 KM (~15 miles) in the first hour. The padded bike shorts are a great help and I won't ride without them! During the spin class hour I noticed that I had a "crick" at what I thought was the top of my inner quad muscles. It didn't get any worse but it didn't stop hurting on being stretched. Turns out I had annoyed my groin on the right side. Though I finished out the hour, by the time afternoon rolled around I was struggling to climb stairs at home. Rest was in the cards for me as I need to be healthy and strong enough to pedal again during the next session so I wrapped up the afternoon with a movie and early bedtime.

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday were rest days. Thought I participated in my regular classes Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, the exercises were somewhat modified to accommodate my annoyed groin.

Tuesday April 9th - TRX Suspension training. This was the first class back after a 1 week break and Sheila had big plans for us. It was great to see a couple of familiar faces and many new ones in our class. Warm up started with jogging the perimeter of the room followed by a calisthenic style warmup with Jumping Jacks, Burpies, Jogging in place while bringing your heels high, Side Lunges, and Squats. 2 rounds and we were ready to take to the TRX straps. A great workout that picked up right where we left off last session - kicking our butts!

Thursday April 11th - TRX Suspension training - Round 2 for the week. We used the same warmup but did a bit more core and arm work than Tuesday's session. I found my calf attempting to cramp several times during any exercise that required we stand on the balls of our feet. Most likely due to the calf raises we completed on Tuesday (hmmmmmm - must stretch the calf muscles more). Outside of this, it was a great workout, much muscles burning & tiredness was achieved by all!

Saturday April 13th - Butt & Gutt - First class in 2 weeks as recovery week started on a Friday. And Ashley was ready and waiting with the Shock Your Body Workout! This was a circuit style workout where you move from station to station much like what I described in an earlier post. However, nearly every station had a weight associated with the exercise. The intent is to push us further, shocking our bodies out of complacency, away from muscle memory so that we work harder. It worked... Thank goodness for hot showers and long stretches coupled with lots of hydration and protein! 

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