Tuesday, July 9, 2013

He's Different

Ah, the self-proclaimed "different from all the other guys"...

There are plenty of them out there, though they never really say what it is that makes them different. Don't they know by now that all human beings are pretty much alike and that no amount of claiming to be different actually makes you different?

His profile includes a wide selection of photos of himself, himself with his dog, & himself with a good buddy or 2 (and one with some really odd thing on his head with the caption "Don't ask. lol" Begging for an ask!). They all look pretty happy and his headline proclaims that he is "hoping to find the one".  The ever elusive "one", eh?

Let's have a look at his likes: Sports, red wine, travel, nice restaurants, and fitness - I ask you, how subjective is a "nice restaurant"? No matter, he likes to travel and is into fitness, sports, and red wine. Can't be all that bad.

About himself: "Well now where to start. I love most sports and enjoy working out and staying active a great deal. I believe in "eating clean" although I also believe in very rewarding treat days.lol I love to laugh and believe in laughing as much as humanly possible. I like to think of myself as different than most guys. I pride myself on being one of the few out there who really appreciates the little things in life and respect and trust are both earned. I don't expect anyone to believe I'm a great guy just because I say I am. All I'm looking for is a chance to prove all that I say and write about myself. I'm an accomplished professional with a great job but my personal life is lacking. While I spend a lot of time at the gym and outside with my dog, some things are still lacking. I'm hoping to find someone with whom I can share my life with and that of course includes my successes and failures. I've been on this site before and have experienced moderate success. I've since moved to a new city though and would like to try again to see what fish are out there.

Drop me a line and we can see where this life is supposed to take us.


Here is a bit more in way of what he likes - eating clean, laughing, has a great job (subjective), spends time at the gym and outside with the dog (I've got a dog and I go to the gym - a LOT), Wants to share his life with someone, thinks he is different than most guys, appreciates the little things in life and all he is looking for is a chance to prove himself.  What say we give him a chance to prove what he says about himself and that he is different? Are you with me? OK!

My email: 
Where did you move here from and why? What is your favorite "treat" food that you don't normally eat? And I have to ask, what on earth is that thing on your head in the pic? Looks like maybe a dog toy that has had all the stuffing ripped out of it? Yeah, I have a couple of those laying around courtesy of my dog. :D
So, what makes you different from other guys? I have to warn you, the other guys don't usually respond to emails so... that would be one way you can be different."

Now, I've just given him the way he can be different. Nope, didn't hint, came right out and said - the other guys don't respond, so if you want to be different.. respond. 

And he said: DELETE

Guess he isn't all that different after all... 

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