Friday, July 19, 2013

He Was the King of Spain

Okay, I admit that his headline should have, most likely, probably, aught to have scared me off in the first place: "Once I Was the King of Spain" (though the song is pretty upbeat). Obscure references that I have to google make me go hmmmm...

Anyhow, I think I was suffering from "this might be a little challenging" syndrome or was thinking "maybe he is only looking for a friend and that would work for me too depending on his interests".

His profile:
"YET ANOTHER UPDATE (apparently 3/4 ladies read these and approve) (Not sure where he gets his scientific evidence to back this up... but um, okay)
Taking a bit of break. If you are the quasi-nerdy girl next door with little to no baggage and are emotionally available I would still love to hear from you. (I mean this in a completely non-jaded way...sadly there is no emoticon for that)

give this a watch if POF has gotten you down and remember you are fantastic!  (Nice of him to include an inspirational video)

UPDATE(summer 2011..apparently some people do read these)
Well hello again POF after a brief hiatus in a committed relation I have returned (to be fair I was back a couple of months ago, but didn't have the time to update this). So apparently amoungst my wit and charm (and if it's not coming me I'm people are confused what i'm looking for ( says dating and i'm looking for a relationship...maybe people aren't actually reading these). I don't tend to send out a lot of e-mails on here (not a lack of confidence per se, but it seems that ladies on her are so bombarded with every Tom,Jimmy and Sven sending messages that I think we've become desensitized to those with genuine interest...also being that I am still not in the city it's going to take someone who's open to that, realizing sometimes the juice is worth the squeeze). (This portion of his profile should have been a red flag. He was here back in summer of 2011 and I hadn't seen his profile until just now which means he has probably come and gone several times since 2011. Serial dater perhaps?)

NEW UPDATE (still not sure if anyone reads these)
As I stated in my last update I was going to start looking for something more. In my searches i've noticed a few things 1)If I lived in the city I probably wouldn't need to be on here. Yes ladies if you have gotten this far and are saying "He seems nice...I wonder what's wrong with him?" that's the catch. I don't live in the city. So if you want to meet someone who lives next door...i'm not your guy. If you figure a great guy is worth a little effort by all means send me an e-mail. 2) No matter how hard I try I still have manners. Just the way I was brought up and I can't help it...and heaven help you if it's a dress up occasion. Not to sure what else to add here as I am a horrible sales-person but I am recommended by 2 out 3 dentists and am pretty sure I know the Caramilk secret (not that i'll tell you :P). (I'm not sure where he lives, he never does say. So he thinks the only reason he is on the dating website is because he doesn't live in the city though according to the paragraph above he had a relationship (brief) and is now back. Methinks it is something more than living in the city.)

Update (not that anyone actually reads these): So even though i'm still happy meeting friends and such to go out dancing, I plan on looking around for something more (with it being the new year and all). So with this in mind i'm also looking around a little closer to home. So if you're interested drop me a line with something like "I'd walk 500 miles" or "if you lived next door and I wasn't washing my hair that night". I've also left up my original profile for those of you that are just looking to hang out and dance.

I originally came on here looking for someone who liked to dance when I came into town to visit my friend. I'm not much of a "bar star" as everyone so fondly says, but I love to dance (non-country, sorry cowgirls), and frankly where else are you going to go to dance?

As this is a fairly unique situation (or not) i'll be taking a pretty passive approach. Meaning if you're interested let me know (preferably with an e-mail, this whole favourites thing confuses as i'm not going to be one of those guys sending out mass e-mails to every Sally, Jane, and Helga (although i'm sure they're all very nice)."

Now, I'm not sure which end is up with his profile and the order of the updates. So I figure I'll just toss out a line:

My email:
"Hello there. I can't tell which update was first or last or what you are looking for but I read them all. Dancing and non-bar scenes came through. So.. What do you do besides dance? And where do you actually live? Hope that you will at least take an active enough approach to respond to an email anyway. :) the whole Meet Me thing confuses me. I think favorites is just to save you for later viewing. Dorky that it tells the user they have been favorited... :D" 

His response:  He read it and said nothing. 

I'm fairly certain that my email to him was sent later at night and that had I reviewed him in the harsh light of day, I would have refrained. Late night tireds + internet access do not always = smart moves! What was I thinking?

:D Carry on, nothing more to see here but join me next time for more Adventures in Online Dating! 

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