Saturday, July 20, 2013

Thank You!

Thank you, every single one of you.

I've been thinking a bit about where I am in life and I've realized that I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for you.

Here is where I am and here is how you helped me to get here:

You encouraged me to take a chance; pack up my house, leave my job, and drive 2600+ miles across the continent and into another country to start a new life.

You convinced me that signing up for a 2-day, 200KM bike ride was actually a good thing and that I COULD do it.

You supported me by donating towards my fundraising goal.

You've attended fitness classes with me.

You tell me "You've got this!" and you actually believe I do. 

You've read my blog and come back for more.

You've been a friend when I've needed one. 

Virtually you've held my hand, given me a hug, patted me on the back, picked me up when I've fallen, and sent me back out for more.

You cheer me on and always have a kind word.

You believe in me even when I don't believe in myself.

Without you, I wouldn't be here.

Thank you.

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