Saturday, July 20, 2013

Session 3 - Week 2

I've hit a bit of a plateau with my weight loss but at the same time as progressing with size loss and increased strength so as of yet, I am not concerned about having a pause in 1 of 3 journeys. I am constantly amazed at what I can do and the improvements that I can make. In January of this year I was unable to complete even 1 second of a suspended side plank during TRX class. Today I completed 3 sets of 30 seconds on each side (To be completely honest, I completed 2 sets of 30 seconds on each side, and 1 set of 27 seconds on each side). I am amazed. In awe of what the human body (and my body) can do.

I have now completed week 2 of the 3rd training session (this is a shortened 8 week session) and my days were as follows:

Sunday - lawn mowing, gardening, casual biking

Monday - Rest

Tuesday - TRX - 60 minutes of crazy new TRX moves. On this day, our warm up required a warm up. I kid you not. We jogged for 10 circuits of the gym to warm up before starting our warm up of: Wall balls with squats, tricep pushups (WAY different than regular pushups), regular pushups, bear crawls, and resistance jogs. NOW we were ready to move onto the crazy new TRX moves.

Wednesday - 1/2 hour dog walk followed by 120 minutes of legs, legs, and legs! Single leg lunges (one foot on a bench) - oh, and they were weighted. Weighted squats, weighted sumo squats, back extensions, hamstring curls, hip abductions and adductions - the sets were 40 minute sets with 40 seconds rest.

Thursday - Rest and recovery

Friday - walking like a crazy person due to Wednesday's workout. :)

Saturday - 60 minutes of crossfit inspired TRX (the class actually ran over as well). Warm up again consisted of a variety of crazy moves and the class itself was legs, arms, core, (every part of the body basically) and it was here that I achieved my plankedness! :)

See you all in a week!

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