Thursday, July 4, 2013

He's New to Edmonton

Up next in the world of online dating, Mr. New to Edmonton.

At least that is what his headline says. You know, the catchy phrase you write to, you know, catch someone's attention. It reads: "New to Edmonton, wanna hang out!?" Maybe he's a bit confused about how he feels about being new to Edmonton or hanging out or whatnot but proper punctuation as a strong point is not his.

Looks like maybe he is starting slow and wants to make friends first. This is backed up by the fact that he is looking to date but nothing serious. Well hey, relationships start with friendships don't they? And I'm new to Edmonton too. So we have something in common! Let's see what he is all about:

He says: "Looking to find somebody to share fun times with and see where it goes. I like being active especially outside in the summer. I also like to kick back and watch a movie or have a few beers and bbq.

I am a hard working carpenter, I have owned and operated my business for ten years. I am looking to move into doing more renovations as I find it more satisfying work than constructing large commercial projects. Although I am a carpenter by trade I am also a nutritionist with a keen interest in fitness and personal training, and I am also a reiki practitioner. Long term I would like to have a health and fitness retreat in a tropical location. I could also thatch huts, lol!

I like most music, except country, jazz, opera (can this even be called music?)"

Well, he is a bit limited on his musical preferences but likes to be active, is a hard worker, owns his own business, and is into nutrition, fitness, and personal training. All things that I've got listed on my profile and that are pretty key in my life right about now. Hmmm, he is a tiny bit humorous and likes to LOL (not a good thing guys).  

His pics show him in a Tough Mudder T-shirt (several of his pics do) and he has hiking, biking, health, and nutrition among his interests. Might be worth writing, at the least I may gain a hiking/biking partner/friend. You don't know unless you try. 

My email:

"Hello there! :D
Happy Canada Day Weekend. I am new to Edmonton too. Where did you come from before here? Being able to thatch huts is a very handy talent indeed! :D Especially in the tropics. I don't think thatch would hold up too well in Alberta. Though you would get many call backs to replace collapsed thatch.
Doing anything interesting this weekend? No, perusing POF is not interesting in the least :P Where did you do the Tough Mudder? Was that recently and how did you like it?
Hope to hear from you."

Thought I'd toss in the "Hope to hear from you" to let him know that I was expecting a response to my email.

His response: He read it. pfffffffffffffft nothing. zip. zilch. nada.

What is with the men in Canada? Is it just Alberta or Edmonton or Canadian men who behave this way or is it all men? Hey, you, man who is reading this blog. Yeah, you. What is up with men not responding when a woman emails them on (of all things) an online dating website. I think we have the equivalent of the non-returned phone call here.

Geesh, who's up next?

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